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Temporalis Tendon

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The temporalis tendon is a crucial component of our facial function, enabling essential activities like speaking, chewing, and smiling. Individuals with nerve damage or facial paralysis can benefit from temporalis tendon transfer, which can restore natural facial expressions.

Restore Facial
Expressions & Movements

The temporalis muscle extends from the mouth and cheek to the temple region. It plays a key role in numerous facial functions, including smiling, speaking, and chewing. However, when individuals experience facial paralysis or nerve damage, the fluid movement of this muscle can get compromised. Temporalis tendon surgery involves creating a small incision in the temporalis muscle and attaching it to the temporalis tendon at the corner of the lip. This surgery elevates a drooping mouth, restoring facial symmetry and improving overall facial appearance.

Benefits of Temporalis Tendon Surgery:

  • Restores facial symmetry
  • Enhances facial expressions and movement
  • Improves chewing and speaking abilities

Recovery After Temporalis Tendon Transfer

The temporalis tendon transfer is typically performed under general anesthesia. It’s essential to adhere to a soft food diet for a few weeks to allow your facial muscles to heal without strain. Avoid touching or applying pressure to the side of your face where the surgery took place. To encourage proper circulation, sleep in a propped-up position. Your surgeon will guide you on when it’s safe to return to work and resume your daily activities.

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Temporalis Tendon FAQs

What can I expect during the recovery period?

Recovery after temporalis tendon transfer surgery typically involves a hospital stay for monitoring and post-operative care. You’ll need to follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully, which may include dietary restrictions (soft foods), avoiding touching the surgical area, and sleeping in a propped-up position to prevent blood pooling and reduce inflammation. The exact recovery timeline can vary depending on the extent of the procedure.

Are there any risks associated with temporalis tendon transfer surgery?

Like any surgical procedure, temporalis tendon transfer surgery carries certain risks. These can include anesthesia-related complications, allergic reactions to medical components, infection at the surgical site, scarring, inadvertent damage to deeper tissues, and potential numbness in the affected area. However, experienced surgeons like Dr. DeVictor take extensive precautions to minimize these risks and ensure a successful outcome.

Can the results of temporalis tendon transfer surgery be reversed?

Reversing temporalis tendon transfer surgery is a complex and challenging process, and it may not always be possible to achieve the same results as before the surgery. Therefore, it’s crucial to discuss your expectations with your surgeon before proceeding with the procedure.

How long do the effects of temporalis tendon transfer surgery last?

The effects of temporalis tendon surgery can be long-lasting, providing improved facial symmetry and function for many years. However, individual results may vary, and factors such as aging and lifestyle can influence the longevity of the results.

Will there be visible scarring after temporalis tendon transfer surgery?

Dr. DeVictor makes every effort to minimize scarring by placing incisions strategically along natural creases. While some scarring may still occur, it typically fades over time and becomes less noticeable as you heal.

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Schedule Your Consultation
With Dr. DeVictor

Dr. DeVictor is a highly qualified surgeon specializing in temporalis tendon transfer and other facial reanimation procedures. With board certification in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and an advanced AO Craniomaxillofacial fellowship, he has the skills, expertise, and experience to help you reclaim optimal facial movements and expressions. If you’re considering temporalis tendon transfer surgery, schedule your appointment to discuss your unique goals.

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